Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Posts in Grow
Take on the Lenten Challenge Beginning March 1

Beginning Ash Wednesday (March 1), you are invited to join us in an intentional personal and spiritual growth and development challenge. Through the season of Lent, we will be engaging with daily reading, spiritual practices, and small group discussion with the intention of going deeper in our relationship with God and one another. This year we'll be reflecting on John's gospel together.

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Theology for the First Time, Jan. 27/28, March 3/4, March 31/April 1

Anthony B. Robinson, an American pastor and church leader once said that theology is "practical wisdom," meaning that it is meant for the contemplation and living of everyday life. This is your opportunity for deeper study in the work and tasks of theology. St. George's is partnering with Vancouver School of Theology over three weekends to provide this opportunity for the engagement with crucial, relevant topics led by talented and engaging teachers.

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Alpha Film Series: Beginning October 19, 2016

Alpha is for anyone. It’s your opportunity to ask anything about life, faith and God. Whether you’re new to the Way of Jesus, or are still finding your way, each session looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation. It’s an open, informal & honest space to explore and discuss life’s big questions together.

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Take a Dip: Exploring the Way of Jesus

Care to dip a toe in to the Way of Jesus Christ? 

Jesus lived with the awareness that God is doing something, right here, right now, and anybody can be a part of it. He encouraged his listeners to search, to question, to wrestle with the implications of what he was saying and doing. Whether you're new to Jesus’ Way, considering baptism or confirmation, or just want fresh perspective, this series using the acclaimed NOOMA videos is for you. Come for this brief, four-part series outlining several basic questions and ideas that are at the heart of the Christian tradition.

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