Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Posts tagged spiritual practices
Take on the Lenten Challenge Beginning March 1

Beginning Ash Wednesday (March 1), you are invited to join us in an intentional personal and spiritual growth and development challenge. Through the season of Lent, we will be engaging with daily reading, spiritual practices, and small group discussion with the intention of going deeper in our relationship with God and one another. This year we'll be reflecting on John's gospel together.

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Sermon: "The Trouble with Money," February 22, 2014

Money. The first Sunday in Lent. And we land on a story about money. And what’s worse—a story where Jesus tells this young, successful, and faithful guy, that he’s got to give it all away. To inherit eternal life. To receive God’s kingdom. Just when you thought that Lent was just a big guilt trip leading up to Easter. Here comes Jesus. Confirming all of your suspicions.

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