Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Pastor's Class: ListenUp! Beginning May 22nd

Pastor’s Class
1 Corinthians, a ListenUp! Bible Study

Life together has never been easy. Corinth, one of the earliest Christian communities struggled with conflict and division that chronically undermined their community from within. Despite the thousands of years in between, their struggles living in community mirror our own. Over six weeks we’ll work through this challenging letter to hear where God is still speaking with new wisdom and insight to our faith community here and now.

Sundays May 22-June 26 9:00-9:50am
Wednesdays May 25-June 29 10:00-11:00am

both in the Upper Lounge, coffee will be on Sundays!
Cost: $10 suggested donation for course booklet

Limited Space available, sign up online using the form below or at the Welcome Table following worship by May 19.

What's a LISTEN UP! Bible Study, and why is it unique?
God's word is alive. God will always have something new to say to us. That's why the purpose of the Listen Up! Bible Study series is not simply learning information about the Bible. It is hearing God speak. There is a difference. In these Bible studies, you will be encouraged to listen: listen to the Bible, listen to your own questions and responses, and listen to the honest sharing among participants in your study group. Trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit, we believe that in that mix of biblical text, personal engagement, and honest speaking and listening, God's word may be heard, speaking words of challenge and words of comfort.