Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Theology for the First Time, Jan. 27/28, March 3/4, March 31/April 1

Anthony B. Robinson, an American pastor and church leader once said that theology is "practical wisdom," meaning that it is meant for the contemplation and living of everyday life. This is your opportunity for deeper study in the work and tasks of theology. St. George's is partnering with Vancouver School of Theology over three weekends to provide this opportunity for the engagement with crucial, relevant topics led by talented and engaging teachers.

Friday Night free public lecture 7:00pm; Course Workshop 10 am. to 2 p.m.

Jan 27-28, 2017 The Rev. Dr. Pat Dutcher-Walls - New Eyes for Reading the Old Testament (HB 106E)

Friday Night free public lecture 7:00pm; Course Workshop 10 am. to 2 p.m.

This introductory workshop will help participants understand the insights and beauty found in the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament. Background information and resources will allow a hands-on learning experience using a variety of Hebrew Bible passages so that we can hear the many ways God's people have witnessed about God and our human relation to God.

Click here for full course description, including course reading requirements

March 3-4, 2017 The Rev. Janet Gear - How then shall we live? (PT123E)

Friday Night free public lecture 7:00pm; Course Workshop 10 am. to 2 p.m.

Asking this question inevitably pulls us into the heart of Christianity – the living of it.  Is Christian life about prayer and contemplation or about acts of justice and right relations?  Wisdom teaches that these paths are not two, but one.  We’ll explore the teaching and practice of this path, discovering that spiritual work is the work of awakening to what our life has been teaching us all along – that our home is in God, that we belong to one another, and that fullness of life is as much about letting go as it is about taking part.  In addition to the presentations this weekend, prepare to spend time in reflection, journaling, and discussion.

Click here for full course description, including reading requirements

March 31-April 1, The Rev. Dr. Richard ToppingTheology for Non-Theologians (TH102E)

Friday Night free public lecture 7:00pm; Course Workshop 10 am. to 2 p.m.

In the long conversation that is the Christian tradition similar topics keep coming up - creation, God, Christ, Spirit, Church and hope are among the most important.  We will join this exchange over a couple of days to listen to what has been said on these themes and to join the discussion.  Finally we will draw on what we learn to address some of the challenges of our time.

Click here for full course description, including reading requirements

You can also take these courses for certificate credit. The Certificate in Theological Studies is for all who are interested in deepening their understanding of contemporary theological thought through active engagement with the topics and theological disciplines explored in VST workshops and courses. An undergraduate degree is not required. 

Over the three weekends you could complete up to 1.5 credits towards the certificate program.  Each weekend is worth .5 credits. 

Course expectations include: pre-reading assignments; reading and full participation in the weekend(s); a topic or reflection paper (2-3 pages) due after the class period. In certain cases, a pre-assignment may be part of the total learning time. 100% attendance is expected in intensive courses.  Audit and certificate level registrations can be done online.  The audit fee is $25.00 per course.  The certificate fee is $93.75 per course.  You can register here: