Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Posts tagged children
St. George's is Hiring!

St. George's has been experiencing growth this past year! One area of particular growth is in children's participation in Sunday worship. As such, we are planning to divide our children into preschool (0-4) and school-aged children (5-10), and are seeking an enthusiastic, engaged, and open-minded adult to lead our school-aged children's church in spiritual nurture and formation.

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Can I Belong? Even if I don't believe?

“My wife and I don’t really believe in anything. Can we still bring our kids to your church?” This is the question posed a few weeks ago in a piece titled “Raising Kids Without God (But Maybe Not Without Religion).” The writer and his wife, both having grown up in a fairly conservative brand of fundamentalist Christianity have left this behind for something like agnosticism. Obviously burned by the church and particular ways of thinking about the divine, they nonetheless find themselves drawn to a religious community (this case Unitarian) for the good of their children, and maybe even themselves.

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Kid-dom of God Workshop February 1st at St. George's

On Sunday February 1, St. George's and Comox United Church will host The Kid-dom of God: A Workshop for Parents on Sharing Faith with Children. Many parents wonder how to share their faith in a way that respects their child’s need to develop and grow their own spirituality. This workshop is designed for parents, grandparents, and other adults interested in talking about faith with children. Nancy Reeves and Linnea Good will be leading the workshop together.

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