Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Kid-dom of God Workshop February 1st at St. George's

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On Sunday February 1, St. George's and Comox United Church will host The Kid-dom of God: A Workshop for Parents on Sharing Faith with Children. Many parents wonder how to share their faith in a way that respects their child’s need to develop and grow their own spirituality. This workshop is designed for parents, grandparents, and other adults interested in talking about faith with children. Nancy Reeves and Linnea Good will be leading the workshop together.

 It will begin with adults and children together for prayer, song and story. Then Linnea will take the children for an hour of singing, large muscle games, discussion, artwork, creating songs, and drama. Nancy will remain with the adults to offer guidance on how to respond to children’s God-wonderings and spiritual experiences as well as how to communicate their own values and faith. Topics include: how children experience God, the adult’s role in children’s spiritual formation, honouring children’s personality, supporting children’s faith in troubled times. Refreshments will be provided and there will be a time for questions and discussion .

The presentation will be based on the book, The Kid-dom of God: Helping Children Grow in Christian Faith, a collection of the award-winning “Children Celebrate” columns by psychologist Nancy Reeves PhD and author/composer Linnea Good MRE. Selected as the “Best Family Life Column” in 2012 by the Catholic Press Association (spanning all of the US and Canada), and placing 2nd in the “Best Column” category by the Canadian Church Press, these articles are “filled with both simple and complex concepts meant to enrich family relationships, enhance spiritual growth, and offer a nexus point where everyday experience meets reflection on the sacred.”

Sunday, February 1, 3:30 to 5:30 pm at St. George’s United Church (Courtenay).