Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Christmas and Advent at St. George's


We invite you to join us on the journey of watching, waiting, and mystery in this year's Advent and Christmas seasons. No matter who you are, where you are in life, or the journey of faith. Join us on this exciting pilgrimage this year. Come as you are, and join us as we wait and watch in joyous anticipation for Emmanuel—God with us—who is already at work in making all things new.

Christmas Eve Service - December 24th at 6:30pm

Join us Christmas Eve for an informal family service, where we'll listen to the Christmas story with new ears so we might see the world again with new eyes.. There will be plenty of carols, and ad-hoc pageant which all children will be invited to join in to, complete with candlelight singing.


Join us Christmas morning as we mark the day with a more intimate, contemplative service. There will be many carols, including lesser-known ones. And we will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. Children are welcome, but no childcare is provided.

The first Sunday of Christmas - december 28th 10:30am

Join us for the first Sunday after Christmas, where we'll celebrate the season with carols and other festivities. Childcare with stories, songs and crafts is provided.

Epiphany Sunday (the magi visit) - january 4th 10:30am

Join us as we wrap up the Christmas season and begin another with the visit of the Magi. Seasonal carols accompany the season of mystery and celebration of the sacrament of Holy Communion. Childcare with stories, songs and crafts is provided.

About the season(s)

The season of Advent, beginning with the four Sundays before Christmas, marks the beginning of the Christian year. Advent is a time of anticipation and waiting. We spend much of our lives waiting. Yet, as the people of Jesus, we find ourselves waiting for the coming of God in our lives, in our communities and in our world. We await God’s healing, God’s mercy, and God’s justice, waiting and hoping for a creation renewed, redeemed, and restored for good.

Christmas itself not only marks the birth of Jesus, and the coming of God in our midst. It also marks the beginning of our own continual rebirth. In Advent and Christmas, we are offered the gifts of Peace, Joy, Hope, and Love to guide us on our path as children of God, being re-made and growing in to God’s image each day, and experiencing the divine life here and now.

November 30th                 Cantiamo Holiday Choral Celebration (with                                                                Children’s Choir) 7:00pm

November 30th                 1st Sunday in Advent Worship

December 1st                     UCW Women’s Vesper’s Service 6:00pm

December 5th                    North Island Choral Concert 7:00pm

December 6th                    North Island Choral Matinee 2:00pm

December 7th                    2nd Sunday in Advent Worship—White Gift Sunday

December 13th                  Celebrate a Life/Blue Christmas Service (At Comox                                                   United Church) 1:00pm

December 14th                  3rd Sunday in Advent Worship—Soup and Bun Lunch                                               to follow worship

December 18th & 19th       Celebration Singers Concerts 7:00pm

December 21st                  4th Sunday in Advent Worship

December 24th                  Christmas Eve Family Candlelight Service

December 25th                  Christmas Day Service 10:30am

December 28th                  First Sunday After Christmas (with Carols)

January 4th                         Worship Celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord (the   Visit of the Magi)