Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Posts tagged christmas
Sermon: "The Refugee God," January 1, 2017

So, this God of ours who has come in human form is known first as Emmanuel and second as an immigrant, as a refugee. Jesus knows specifically the experience of the displaced and the disadvantaged, because he lived it and stands with all who continue to do so. He has a heart for those babies whose fathers were not fortunate enough to hear the call of danger in the night. How will we meet the needs of the world? With a God who knows through experience what it’s like to be human.

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Sermon: "Keep the Quirinius in Christmas," December 24, 2016

Quirinius, the governor, officially represents the empire in occupied territory. The world’s story at this point is a story of power. A story of wealth. Of influence. The world’s story at this point in time is the Roman story. And so this is why the story begins with the opening camera shot on Rome. Focusing on an Emperor and a Governor. People of power, wealth, influence. People of significance.

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Sermon: "Burning Away the Chaff," December 4, 2016

John tells those of us who are preparing for the coming of Christ that this is no easy path of instant joy. John is here to hold up a mirror to us. To show us that we, like the Pharisees and Saducees, can become so complacent, so accustomed to our yearly rituals and traditions, that we slide into them every single year with ease or hesitation. We go through the motions, rest on our laurels jump through the hoops.

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Sermon: "Keep the Quirinius in Christmas," December 27th 2015 (First Sunday After Christmas)

[T]his is where the real story is. The story of the universe isn’t about Augustus or Quirinus. Or Donald Trump. But God is not found up in the lofty places of privilege and power that can be accessed by a select few. But God is found deep in the dirt, God comes among ordinary people who are trying to make a living. And despite the seemingly insignificant circumstances of their lives, they are the ones who are going to experience this incredible moment, this deep joy."

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Sermon: "Not About You," December 25th 2015 (Christmas Day)

John is sent by God, it says, sure. But it’s not about John. It’s not about his spirituality or his personal experience even. John isn’t the light. He’s the lamp who’s been lit. John is like someone who takes the witness stand and says “here’s what I saw.” And to quote the late, great Hank Williams, John says “I saw the light.” This whole thing isn’t about John. But John is about Jesus. A life that John says “is the light of all people.”

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Sermon: "Full of Grace and Truth," December 24th, 2015 (Christmas Eve)

"[W]e are constantly reducing questions like this all the time. And so we are stuck on the surface of things. Kind of like with the question “do you believe in God?” A yes or no answer doesn’t tell us much about the God we believe in. In the same way that yes or no to “do you believe Jesus is God?” really says nothing about what that even means. Or why anyone should care in the first place."

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