Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Sermon: "Seeds of Salvation," October 2, 2016

If you know what it’s like to long for more in life. To have your heart so on fire with truth, goodness, and beauty, that other people in your life wish they were more like you. If you know what it’s like to want that, you know what it means when the apostles say to Jesus “increase our faith!” You know what it’s like to ask for enough faith… to be faithful.

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Sermon: "Bound Together," September 25, 2016

Like the rich man, we can spend our whole lives putting up a gate between us and suffering. Without even knowing it. Even in church. We do our best to separate ourselves from the suffering of others—especially the weak, the oppressed, and the lost. But Jesus says when we do this, we are like the rich man hiding himself from Lazarus. We are actually hiding ourselves from God.

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Alpha Film Series: Beginning October 19, 2016

Alpha is for anyone. It’s your opportunity to ask anything about life, faith and God. Whether you’re new to the Way of Jesus, or are still finding your way, each session looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation. It’s an open, informal & honest space to explore and discuss life’s big questions together.

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"Peace is a City," from Interfaith Celebration of Peace, September 8, 2016

On the evening of September 8, St. George's pastor Rev. Ryan Slifka was invited to offer a Christian perspective on the meaning of peace, along with representatives from Buddhist, Jewish, Wiccan, and Indigenous communities. Rev. Ryan reflected on images from Revelation 21-22, which comes at the very end of the Bible.

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Sermon: "Lost and Found," September 11, 2016

in considering this morning’s scripture, I started to wonder if we’ve not only misunderstood how the Christian tradition thinks about non-Christians. We may have also misunderstood something fundamental about Christianity itself. What if Christianity isn’t a way for us to get to God… and everybody else be damned. But what if it’s a way for God to get at us?

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