Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Weekly Update for September 25, 2016: Food Hampers, Welcome Service and Alpha Course

St. George's Weekly
September 29, 2016

Dear friends,

We turned the heat on this past week. Which means that fall is officially upon us. We tried as hard as we could to live in denial of the end of summer, but now here it is, whether we like it or not. One good thing about fall, however, is that the church is buzzing with activity again. Things to keep in mind as we fall in to fall:

  • Please remember your food and gift card donations for Thanksgiving Food Hampers for congregation members, as this Sunday is the last day to donate. If you are unable to be at worship, you can drop your donations off at the office, tomorrow morning 9am-12pm. We have 6 families and individuals who are grateful for your help and generosity.
  • We'll be celebrating Welcome Sunday on Sunday, October 16th. Each member of the St. George’s community is challenged to invite at least one guest with them to worship. This is a way for us (you!) to reach out in an open and respectful way so others can experience the Love that makes all the different in our lives and our world. Invite a friend, a neighbor, or a colleague. The music will be energetic, the message will be relevant, and best of all—there will be free food! Please remember to bring a finger food dish to share.
  • A few weeks ago we released our 2016/2017 Spiritual Growth schedule, which includes opportunities for newcomers and old timers, spiritual newbies and seasoned veterans alike to connect and grow in the Way of Jesus Christ. Click here to find out more or to register. Better be quick--people are already registering for things way in advance!
  • The Alpha Course Film Series begins on October 19th and will run Wednesday evenings until November 30, 5:30-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. The blurb from our website reads: "Alpha is for anyone. It’s your opportunity to ask anything about life, faith and God. Whether you’re new to the Way of Jesus, or are still finding your way, each session looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation. It’s an open, informal & honest space to explore and discuss life’s big questions together." This would also be a great opportunity for you to come and invite someone who you think is looking for community or spiritually curious. Find out more, or sign up here.

    Also, we'd love any help you can give in making it possible, whether you can help with setup, bringing some food, or cleanup, please be in touch with me at

I look forward to seeing you all again this Sunday, as we host Luke 17:5-10 and celebrate together the sacrament of Holy Communion. May God be with you all in everything you do this week.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Ryan Slifka

PS: An update from Gary Stevenson: Safehaven: Refugee Sponsorship Group, in conjunction with the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria, are pleased to announce that they have entered into a verbal agreement to sponsor a Syrian Family of 7 to come to the "Land of Plenty", the Comox Valley. More details to follow. Click here to find out more.

PPS: The men's breakfast is up and running again for the fall, and the first will be 8:30am on Saturday October 1st. Email Tom Knight at or Paul Ellegood at to sign up or sign up at the Welcome Table at coffee time. If you're willing to help set up that would also be wonderful!