Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Blessing the Toy Library at its Grand Re-Opening

Seeing as how we as a faith community are doing this to bless the valley, Chair of St. George's Council Alison Mewett and I had the lovely opportunity to bless the space for the grand re-opening. We wanted a blessing that would be rooted in our faith tradition, but one that was inclusive in its scope, marking the space as one welcome to all people.

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Sermon: "The Trouble with Money," February 22, 2014

Money. The first Sunday in Lent. And we land on a story about money. And what’s worse—a story where Jesus tells this young, successful, and faithful guy, that he’s got to give it all away. To inherit eternal life. To receive God’s kingdom. Just when you thought that Lent was just a big guilt trip leading up to Easter. Here comes Jesus. Confirming all of your suspicions.

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