Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Blessing the Toy Library at its Grand Re-Opening

This past Sunday, the Comox Valley Toy Library held its grand re-opening, with face-paints, crafts and a bake sale on the St. George's lawn. It was a great day all around, with the Toy Library coming within $350 to cover their insurance costs and cost of new shelving. I continue to be impressed and inspired by the passion and commitment of their volunteers who have put so much work into this worthy project. As I've mentioned before, St. George's is partnering with the Toy Library by providing them space with rent fully subsidized because we genuinely believe that it will be a way for us to bless the Comox Valley.

As part of the festivities, Chair of St. George's Council Alison Mewett and I had the lovely opportunity to bless the space for the grand re-opening. We wanted a blessing that would hold to our values and be rooted in our faith tradition, but also one that was inclusive in its scope, marking the space as one welcome to all people.

The following blessing was adapted from a house blessing found in the Celtic tradition care of my friend and mentor Rev. Drew Strickland:

A Blessing for the Comox Valley Toy Library, April 12, 2015
adapted from the Celtic Christian Tradition

Peace be to this place in the name of the Holy Trinity.
We bless this place in the name of the Holy Three-in-One
The Holy One-in-three,
and in the manner of all the saints who have gone before us.
May this place be a place of friendship,
a place of sharing—toys, laughter,
a place of peace for friend and stranger;
that whoever walks through this door may be blessed.
May it be a place of blessing for all people from all walks of life;
from all cultures, ages, communities and traditions,
and all kinds of families.
Both wood and flame, stone and beam,
both nail and timber, both floor and ceiling,
both window and door, both coming and going,
both men and women, both parents and children,
both young and old, both wisdom and youth,
both guest and host, both stranger and friend.
both critter and beast, both pet and companion,
Peace on each place that lets in light.
Peace on each corner of the rooms.
Peace on each place where children play,
friends meet, and new ones are met for the first time.
Peace on each place where mothers and fathers rest.
Peace of the Creator, Peace of the Risen One,
Peace of the Spirit, Peace.
May your peace be upon this place, O Holy One,
that we may meet you as the companion of all.
For the door of this place we open,
and the doors of our hearts we leave ajar.

I look forward to the future, and seeing how things unfold with this exciting venture!