Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Sermon: November 29th, 2015 First Sunday in Advent

Jeremiah 33:14-16

Luke 21:25-36

The service centers on the Good News According to Luke, 21:25-35. In this passage, Jesus foretells the destruction of the Jerusalem temple, providing him an occasion to speak about other future events and the sufferings that will mark the lives of his followers between his death and his coming again. While the times will be difficult, Jesus equips them to persevere.

 The Good News According to Luke is the third of four books that chronicle Jesus life, death and resurrection. Luke’s main emphasis is that his words, deeds, death, and resurrection, Jesus is the one who God promised to save the people of Israel. In Luke, Jesus proclaims God's good news of deliverance for all peoples, especially for the poor and the downtrodden. 

This is the First Sunday in the Season of Advent, the first season of the Christian Year beginning the four weeks leading up to the festival of Christmas. The word “Advent” means "coming" or "arrival." During this season we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus (the first Advent), and the anticipation of God’s future reconciliation of call creation (the second Advent). The people of Jesus are called to participate in the here and now, actively waiting and working in anticipation of that future.
