Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

News of Our Life Together Sunday, November 29th, 2015

 News of Our Life Together

for November 29th – December 5th, 2015


Meetings and Events at St. George’s this Week

 - Soup and Bun Lunch: TODAY, after the service

 - Pantry/Drop In Volunteer Lunch: Dec. 2nd, 1:30pm - White Spot

 - Choir Practice: Wednesday, 7:00 pm.


 Upcoming Events at St. George’s Next week:

Communion Sunday next week: Please remember your food donations for  St. George’s Pantry


 You are invited to our Annual Ladies UCW Vesper Service on Monday, December 7th, at 6:00 p.m. at St. George's United Church.   We meet in the upper hall for desserts, music and some fun activity, followed by an Advent Worship Service in the Sanctuary.  While we do not advertise in the wider community, we encourage congregants to invite friends.  The desserts are provided by the UCW women, and men do the dishes!  At 7:30 p.m. we will move to the Sanctuary where we offer you a quiet meaningful program demonstrating the real meaning of Christmas.  Do not miss this opportunity to feel the breath of God as we join together and experience the calm of an Advent service to prepare us for the birth of Christ.

 An offering is taken and given to the Comox Valley Hamper programs (Salvation Army and Remax Realty). If you wish you may also bring warm socks which will be shared between: ”everyone Deserves a Smile” and our Church Pantry

Advent and Christmas 2015/2016

   December 4th                 North Island Choral Society Concert 7:30pm

December 5th           North Island Choral Society Concert Matinee 2:00pm

December 5th           Cumberland United: Carols & Angels 2:00pm

December 6th           2nd Sunday in Advent Worship 10:30am

December 7th           Ladies Vespers Service & Dessert Evening 6:00pm

December 12th         Comox United Blue Christmas Service 1:00pm

December 13th         3rd Sunday in Advent Worship 10:30am

December 20th             Celebration Singers Concert Matinee 2:30pm

December 20st         4th Sunday in Advent Worship 10:30am

December 21st      Celebration Singers Concert  7:30pm

December 24th         Christmas Eve Candlelight Family Service 6:30pm

December 25th         Christmas Day Service 10:30am

December 27th         First Sunday After Christmas (with Carols) 0:30am

January  3rd               Epiphany of the Lord Worship 10:30am

Prayers: Please remember in your prayers the following people and families:  Jon and Mona Mahovic, Betty Anne Molitor and Family, Peter McVichie, Hetty Waldie, Win Argue, Cliff Fletcher, Marquerite Holgate & Sid, Jennifer Barter, the Disciple Bible Study Group.

Please call the office if there are any changes to the prayer requests.

Prayer Chain Requests: Please contact Lydia Wilson  -


Today we enter in to covenant with members of our Disciple Bible Study group. Disciple is an intensive, 34 week small group that is diving deep in to the stories of the Bible (we read about 70% of it!), and going deeper and growing in their own spiritual lives. As a community of faith that firmly believes in the power of God’s story to change lives and reconcile the world, we covenant to grow with them by supporting themin prayer, friendship and encouragement:  Kristy Bell, Cheyenne Hutt, Carol Lidster, Ula Nieuwejaar, Jenny Millar, Lori Piercy, Jane Shutty, Susan Williams, Ellen Wise, Candice Woloyshyn and Hope Wydenes

 Opportunities at St. George’s

Looking for Carpenters/Craftspeople

Are you a woodworker with the skills and tools necessary for crafting intricate figures? The Children’s Church curriculum often involves the use of wooden figures and objects to tell the biblical story, and we are in need of someone to help in creating them using already existing templates. We can pay for the materials if you provide yourself and the tools.

If you would love to use your God-given skills to help our children learn the biblical story and grow in their relationship with God, please speak with Cheyenne or 250-871-6422.

 From the Outreach Committee:

Annual Mitten Tree collectionwarm toques. scarfs and gloves for those in need in our Community.

 Today’s Worship Leadership:

Head Usher                    John Graff

Greeters                         Rhoda Collins & Linda Green

Guest Book                    Gerry Graff

Ushers                             Joyce Wheeler & Judy Williams

Scripture Reader            Betty Ann Molitor

Prayers of the People    Ula Nieuwejaar

Preacher & Presider       Rev. Ryan Slifka