On Receiving the T.E.G. Award
Rev. Ingrid and Rev. Ryan receiving the inaugural T.E.G. award at the Vancouver School of Theology Convocation ceremony Monday, along with Principal Richard Topping.
This past Monday, Rev. Ingrid Brown and myself were the recipients for the Vancouver School of Theology's "Thoughtful, Engaged, and Generous Award" at VST’s convocation ceremony. This award is the first for VST, and it's awarded to people in their first ten years of ministry who exemplify the school's values in forming thoughtful, engaged, and generous Christian leaders.
No doubt I can speak for both Ingrid and myself in saying that it's truly an honour. Ingrid and I are both alumni of Vancouver School of Theology, and had such an amazing experience there as students. St. George's has also cultivated a relationship with VST by hosting the introductory series "Theology for the First Time" in 2017 and Principal Richard Topping as guest preacher last year. It is an amazing school, and near and dear to both of our hearts. I can say that any skill I might be able to exhibit is the result of the Holy Spirit and my formation for ministry at VST.
If you like what they do, and feel called to support their wonderful work, you can find out more here.
Having said all of the above, I believe I can also speak for Ingrid in saying that this award isn't something that Ingrid and I achieved through our own effort. There's no such thing as a Pastor without a church, and this is the result of St. George’s engagement in the day-to-day Jesus Way. The congregation’s willingness to experiment, to reach out, and to support new initiatives truly astounding and humbling. In the end, of course, you can't have a Pastor without a church, and you can't have a church without the God who calls the church into being. All of this is the result of God's relentless grace that just keeps pouring into this community of faith.
On behalf of Ingrid and myself, I thank God for St. George’s. We are truly grateful to be able to walk this pilgrim path together.