Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Posts in Sermons
Sermon: "The Voice in the Storm," January 8, 2017

Behind this terror, this destruction. They knew there was more to life that what we can see. They could hear the voice of the God who Created… and is Creating. The Source of all life, the Love at the heart of everything echoing through the ages. Inside the flood, the darkness, the fear. We hear a voice that will never be drowned out. One that will never be defeated or destroyed. A voice that will never be silent. One that promises strength. And brings with it peace.

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Sermon: "The Refugee God," January 1, 2017

So, this God of ours who has come in human form is known first as Emmanuel and second as an immigrant, as a refugee. Jesus knows specifically the experience of the displaced and the disadvantaged, because he lived it and stands with all who continue to do so. He has a heart for those babies whose fathers were not fortunate enough to hear the call of danger in the night. How will we meet the needs of the world? With a God who knows through experience what it’s like to be human.

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Sermon: "Keep the Quirinius in Christmas," December 24, 2016

Quirinius, the governor, officially represents the empire in occupied territory. The world’s story at this point is a story of power. A story of wealth. Of influence. The world’s story at this point in time is the Roman story. And so this is why the story begins with the opening camera shot on Rome. Focusing on an Emperor and a Governor. People of power, wealth, influence. People of significance.

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Sermon: "There's Something About Joseph,"

Where we may find ourselves with less of a clear identity, a clearly defined role as men, God is casting us in a whole new one. To say “yes” to God, so often means letting go of who we thought we were to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. This doesn’t mean we have to stop being men. But it means that rather than judging ourselves on the jobs we have, or the gender roles we play. Rather than judging ourselves on our productivity, or how our culture defined us in the past or defines us in the present.

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Sermon: "Fellow Prisoners," December 11, 2016

Think about it, and you’ll spot yourself through the bars in the prison window. Somewhere. Think about it, and you’ll know what that old hymn means when is says “O Come O Come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel.” Because we are all prisoners of one kind or another. Prisoners of our own brokenness, prisoners of the world’s brokenness. Captive. With no obvious way out. No way home.

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Sermon: "Burning Away the Chaff," December 4, 2016

John tells those of us who are preparing for the coming of Christ that this is no easy path of instant joy. John is here to hold up a mirror to us. To show us that we, like the Pharisees and Saducees, can become so complacent, so accustomed to our yearly rituals and traditions, that we slide into them every single year with ease or hesitation. We go through the motions, rest on our laurels jump through the hoops.

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