Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Posts tagged pentecost
Sermon: "And Suddenly," June 4, 2017

"It may first sound like bad news. Because according to Pentecost, is that with this living God there’s nothing we can do to gain the kind of joy, the kind of life, the kind of power we long for. So much religion is about manipulating the divine into giving us what we want. Bad news is that there’s no sure-fire technique to gain it. Because God works in God’s own time.

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Sermon: "The Community-Creating Spirit," May 15 2016 Pentecost Sunday

And, despite the differences between us in time and space, I believe the community-creating Spirit of God is very much at work drawing us together today. Mysteriously, relentlessly. Past boundaries we once thought were impenetrable. And drawing us in to a story greater than ourselves. Even in a disconnected world like ours. Maybe perhaps especially in a disconnected world like ours.

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