Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Worship Time and Music Survey

Worship and Music Ministry Questionnaire

Worship Time

Following a request from some members of the congregation, the Worship Committee is seeking input regarding a possible change in the Sunday morning worship time from 10:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  Some reasons for this request include:

  • kitchen helpers must wait for Fellowship time to finish before they can complete their clean-up tasks so their own lunch or getting home can sometimes be quite late
  • those who live in care and/or assisted living homes are either unable to attend any fellowship following the service and/or are late arriving back at their homes for lunch, which they then sometimes miss. Drivers of these individuals are also sometimes late arriving back to their own homes.  

This information will be taken to Church Council for prayerful discernment. Any changes in the start of the Worship service, if approved, would not begin until Summer 2016.

Music Ministry/Staffing Questionnaire

Following our former Music Director Anne Bateman’s departure, St. George’s Council saw a wonderful opportunity for us to discern and dream what the future of our Music Ministry staffing could look like.

This short survey is intended to gather feedback from the congregation on what kind of music staffing will best serve God’s purpose for us as a growing community of faith in to the future.

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