Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Shared Summer Worship Services

We'll be continuing a three-year tradition this summer by hosting joint worship services between St. George's, Comox United Church, Cumberland United Church, and Comox Valley Presbyterian Church. Make sure you're at the right church--at the right time!

Sunday, July 2
Joint Service at Comox United Church 10:00am
(no service at St. George's)

Sunday, July 9
Joint Service at Comox Valley Presbyterian 10:30am
(no service at St. George's)

Sunday, July 16
Joint Service at St. George's 10:30am
Rev. Ryan Slifka preaching

Sunday, July 23
Joint Service at Cumberland United Church 11:00am
(no service at St. George's)