Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Sermon: "Beyond our Grasp," October 11th, 2015 Rev. Ryan Slifka

Job 23

This service is centered on Job 23:1-9, and 16-17, and is the second part of our sermon series “In to the Mystery” on the Book of Job. In this chapter, Job continues to lament his suffering. However, Job speaks of God as a mystery, and whose wisdom is ultimately beyond humanity’s complete grasp. Just when Job thinks he has God figured out, God slips through his fingers yet again.  The book of Job is Wisdom Literature found in the Old Testament.  Job is a good and pious man who suffers unbearable tragedies, and he and his friends try to figure out why such disasters should happen to him. Job is often considered in relation to human suffering, and is considered a theodicy—a reflection on the problem of evil.