Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Lent and Easter 2021


Lent is the 40 day season leading up to Easter. While the details will be different for COVID-19, the rhythms will be the same. We will be joining with Comox Valley Presbyterian, and Comox United for joint services for the sixth year in a row. We are excited to share Maundy Thursday with St. John the Divine for the first time.

Find out more about the season of Lent here.

  • Lent begins February 7 (Ash Wednesday)
    Ash Wednesday begins Lent by reminding us that we are mortal human beings—”we are dust and to dust we shall return.” It encourages us to embrace our limits, name our faults, and lean on the Creator for life and strength. It is traditionally acknowledged with the marking of ashes in the shape of the cross on the forehead.
    Comox Valley Presbyterian Church will be providing a recorded service on their Youtube site here.
    St. George’s will also be providing "ashes to go" from 11:30am-12:30pm on the church lawn. Normally, the ashes are placed on the forehead by hand, but this year we will be distributing ashes that you will impose yourself along with a blessing. You’ll be able to “drive thru” or walk by.

  • March 28 (Palm Sunday) 10:30am worship
    Palm Sunday marks Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Palms were a sign of royalty in the ancient world, and we traditionally wave palms in this service.

    Depending on COVID protocols, we will have these available to wave in person. If we are unable to gather in person, we will have Palm fronds available to pick up at the office closer to the date to wave at home. We will also have them available for people unable to come if we have in-person church.

  • April 1 (Maundy Thursday)
    Maundy Thursday marks Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples before his crucifixion. Here Jesus washed his disciples’ feet as a sign of his humility, and instituted the Lord’s Supper, also known as Holy Communion. This is traditionally marked with a footwashing ceremony and communion.

    Due to COVID, there will be a pre-recorded service offered by St. John the Divine Anglican Church, which will be available on their website here by 1pm on April 1.

  • April 2 (Good Friday) 10:30am worship
    Good Friday marks the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, beginning the “three days” between his death and his resurrection on Easter. This is the most solemn service in the year that allows us to confront the shadow side of our human nature.

    There will be a service hosted by St. George’s. It will be broadcast online for certain here, but in-person will depend on health guidelines.

  • April 4 (Easter Sunday) 10:30am worship

    Easter Sunday celebrates the raising of Jesus Christ from the dead. It is the most important festival day of the Christian year. We often celebrate with special music, flowers, and baptisms are often held on this day.

    There will be a service. It will be broadcast online for certain, but in-person will depend on health guidelines.

  • April 4 (Easter Sunday) 6:45 am Sunrise Service (Weird Church)

    A quiet, contemplative telling of the Easter story with space for music and prayer.  (Hopefully) distanced and outdoors but on Zoom regardless.
