Alpha at Breakfast Beginning January 7
Alpha is for everyone. It's an opportunity to wonder, along with other seekers on the journey, about life, meaning, and spirituality, where questions are encouraged and no topic is off the table.
Join us Sunday mornings 9:00a.m.-10:00a.m for 6 weeks: January 7-February 11, 2018.
Each session gathers around a light breakfast and coffee/tea, a short video, followed by honest discussion. No pressure, no follow up, no charge!
Register through the office, by connection card or using the form below by January 1st.
This round of Alpha is also for kids too! Our Music Director, Eve Mark, will be leading a special children's program during the sessions.
Let us know you're coming by filling out the form below. View the trailer video below for more info. For more information click here get in touch with Ingrid who is coordinating this series.