Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ


Sermons and other Reflections

Posts in Sermons
Sermon: "Opportunity in Every Crisis," November 13, 2016

Truth be told, I don’t know when or if a time like this will come for us. There’s plenty of stuff for us to be worried about on the horizon. It’s hard to say. Maybe there won’t be one. I pray there won’t be one. But Jesus says that when that time comes, we don’t have to be afraid. We don’t have to drop the ball, or toss out our deepest convictions. Because Jesus says that it’s when the whole world’s falling apart. It’s our time to shine. Or more precisely, time for him to shine through us, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Sermon: "the Divine Imprint," October 16, 2016

This gets to the heart of it, you could say. About how real change happens. Real change doesn’t come to us from the outside in—as rules, fixes, or techniques to change us from the outside in. Whereas laws written in stone can be broken and put aside, the divine relationship etched into our hearts, the Spirit that is at work inside of us is more enduring. This is what God is up to at St. George’s. This is what God is up to in our fragile, hurting world.

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Sermon: "Grace and Gratitude," October 9, 2016

Friends, this is the power that gratitude can have. It’s not something so glib as “be positive.” It’s not something so simple as “be satisfied with what you’ve got.” Or “changing our personal vibrations,” in the words of our dear friend Oprah. No, it’s so much more. It’s that within all of our lives. However joyous they may be. Or however dark they may become. Within each of these, within our world, there is light, if we have the eyes to see.

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Sermon: "Seeds of Salvation," October 2, 2016

If you know what it’s like to long for more in life. To have your heart so on fire with truth, goodness, and beauty, that other people in your life wish they were more like you. If you know what it’s like to want that, you know what it means when the apostles say to Jesus “increase our faith!” You know what it’s like to ask for enough faith… to be faithful.

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Sermon: "Bound Together," September 25, 2016

Like the rich man, we can spend our whole lives putting up a gate between us and suffering. Without even knowing it. Even in church. We do our best to separate ourselves from the suffering of others—especially the weak, the oppressed, and the lost. But Jesus says when we do this, we are like the rich man hiding himself from Lazarus. We are actually hiding ourselves from God.

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Sermon: "Lost and Found," September 11, 2016

in considering this morning’s scripture, I started to wonder if we’ve not only misunderstood how the Christian tradition thinks about non-Christians. We may have also misunderstood something fundamental about Christianity itself. What if Christianity isn’t a way for us to get to God… and everybody else be damned. But what if it’s a way for God to get at us?

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