Baptism & Membership
You don’t need to be baptized or a member to participate.
You already belong no matter who you are as you are when you come to St. George's, and you're invited to bring your own gifts to make us a more vibrant community of faith.
But you’re also invited to go deeper.
For many of us deeper participation in and commitment to a faith community is the next step in our journey and spiritual growth. We become Christians by individually dedicating our lives to following Jesus, but we become "church" by joining together with other people as a community of faith who to encourage and support each other as fellow pilgrims on our journey into the life of God. Baptism and Membership are spiritual gifts given to help us grow in grace and faith together.
What is Baptism?
Baptism is the official rite of initiation into Body of Christ, the Church. Baptism is a sacrament, one of the two ordinances that Jesus directed his followers to do in his name (the other being Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper). In our tradition, infants, children and adults may be baptized. As part of baptism, adults make a Profession of Faith. When children become of age, they make their own Profession of Faith, taking the vows their parents or guardians made on as their own.
What is Membership?
Membership is the commitment to live out the promises of Baptism as part of the local community of faith. It is a commitment to God's mission of healing and reconciliation with and to shared life with fellow followers of Jesus.
How Can I Be Baptized and/or Become a Member?
Baptism and Membership require some discernment on your part. They normally require reflection with one of our Ministers, as well as taking our course "Together on The Way." We hold normally hold the course twice yearly.
If you are interested in membership or baptism (or both), for either yourself, your children, or your grand children, please contact Rev. Ryan Slifka by clicking here.
Once appropriate preparation has taken place, an official request will be made to our Board of Elders. You can fill out the online form by clicking the button below.